Committees Chairs
Monica Parks
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
This committee ensures fair treatment, equality of opportunity and fairness in access to information and resources for all TSID members by reviewing TSID public communications, programming, and content. The membership of this committee includes Deaf interpreters and Interpreters of Color
Zee Broussard
This committee shall be composed of three (3) persons, none of whom shall be current TSID Board members. The finance committee will perform a financial review of the organization annually. This committee will secure an audit of the financial records of TSID for the previous three (3) fiscal years
Jacob Garner
This committee, which may have sub-committees as appointed by the Chair, shall oversee the Fran Herrington-Borre/Susan S Tiller Mentorship Program, draft a budget and policies for the program for approval by the TSID Board, and shall submit an annual report. This committee is charged with providing mentoring opportunities for the membership of TSID through the Fran Herrington-Borre/Susan S Tiller Mentorship Program, including selection of mentors, mentees, venues and methods.
(Contact Vice President)
Motions and Resolutions
This committee shall be chaired by the Vice President and the President-Elect (when in office). Any voting member of TSID who wishes to attend the meeting(s) may serve on this committee. This committee will develop and receive motions and resolutions for the annual business meeting from the TSID Board, Member Sections, Committees, and individual members, and shall ensure that motions are in the proper format. The committee will meet at least four (4) times throughout the year; one of those times will be prior to the annual business meeting.
Virginia Getz
This committee shall be composed of five (5) persons, at least one of whom shall be a Past President and serve for a two (2) year term. The Chairperson and the members of the committee shall be elected by the membership of TSID at the annual business meeting. The Nominations Committee shall submit nominations for elective positions for the next year. Names may also be placed in nomination from the floor at the annual Business Meeting.
Professional Development
This committee will be comprised of the regional representatives and the RID CEU administrator. They will be responsible for identifying training needs across the state and hosting training opportunities to address those needs. The PDC is also responsible for selecting conference workshops that align with identified training needs in conjunction with the conference committee. The PDC is also responsible for hosting forums for the exchange of ideas, opinions and information concerning interpreting.
This committee is responsible for identifying and organizing opportunities for members to give back to the Deaf community and the interpreting profession. They are tasked with providing at least two (2) philanthropic events per fiscal year. This committee is comprised of at least three (3) members representing different regions.
Randi Turner
Policy & Advocacy
This committee, under the direction of the chairperson, serves as a resource for the membership on legislative and policy issues. The committee shall communicate legislative and policy issues regarding the interpreting profession to the membership and shall educate state legislative representatives and/or their aides, within the parameters of the organization’s 501(c)6 status. The committee shall develop a biennial recommendation report and/or white papers that can then be disseminated to state representatives, aides, and others.
Shannon Jacobs
his committee, under the direction of the chairperson, shall be responsible for:
- promoting scholarships and awards,
- processing and granting scholarships and awards, and
- coordinating recognition activities.
Trust Funds
The Trustees shall be charged with the responsibility and authority to:
- Raise money to be added to Fund principles.
- Determine investment strategies.
- Establish and modify fund policies and procedures as required.
- Submit regular reports for each board meeting and an annual report to the membership.